Brainstorming is considered to be the best idea generation technique, especially in countries like America, India, Japan and Thailand. For about the past seven decades brainstorming officially has been the solution to all questions in an organization.
Hence it would come as surprise to most managers, including top level executives, and even management consultants that this 'brilliant technique' the way its done now, does not lead to much good.
Many argue that brainstorming is the only way to create great and sustaining ideas. Then how come brainstorming is one? Which, was not (obviously) created by brainstorming? Brainstorming is only one among the many idea generation techniques, which has its on pros and cons. Redefining and reinventing brainstorming we can cut short the cons, take in the pros and have a better idea generation tool, and much better ideas and solutions.
Trycoon Brainstorming (T.B.S).
Step 1) A well defined question is raised and given to the group members prior to the meeting.
Step 2) Group members figure out solutions or create ideas alone. Hence eliminating groupthink. Introverts, if given adequate time to have their creative juices flowing would give some of the best ideas in the whole session, but in traditional brainstorming this is an uphill battle. Top it with the fact that even if an introvert gets a brilliant idea,chances are high that he is not going to speak up but stay low.
(Knowingly or unknowingly persuasive leaders in the group makes not only the introverts but also lesser extroverts conform to their opinions or ideas)
Step 3) Generated ideas are given to all group members, by keeping their sources anonymous. This is done so that people can reconsider their opinions and either take back, modify or reaffirm their contribution, they might even get new ideas or select the best idea collected and work on it!
( Bonos 6 thinking hats, would be of great use in this level)
Step 4) Brainstorming! Just like the old times. All group members assemble together, discuss the ideas they have been working upon, raise the questions and concerns they have thought about. I have been in brainstorming sessions with as few as 3 people to as high as 35. Both are extremes, the preferable number could be somewhere between 7 to 10 people who are comfortable with each other.
Usually in this level there are no much ideas generated but conclusions. Though measures must be taken to ensure that the session stays open to ideas all the time.
The T.B.S is more time consuming and costly than traditional brainstorming! But worth every penny. Next time your organization needs some serious ideas on board give the new boy in town a shot. Please mail me your responses and on how the new brainstorming tool helped your organization to, would love it!